Sunbathing Eagle

Eagle taking in the sun

I took this photograph of a sunbathing eagle perched in a treetop many years ago when I lived on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia, Canada. I often drove by Garden Bay Lake in Pender Harbour and I noticed that the trees overlooking the lake were a favorite spot for eagles. They were also fond of perching in treetops overlooking the ocean. I suppose eagles favor locations overlooking water because they can always fly down and grab a quick fish snack. I used to live with a view of the ocean (although not oceanside) and came to refer to one particular tree as “The Eagle Tree” because more often than not, an eagle would be sitting at the top. I could look out from my living room window and see them there…what fun!

The other thing about this particular location at Garden Bay Lake is that eagles could sometimes be seen taking a little bath at the edge of the water, usually by jumping off from a log close to shore. I believe the eagle pictured above was drying its wings after a bath in the lake.


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